Life, Philosophy, FAITH
Prayer Journal, Pray Your Way To Peace And Joy
A journal that will help you pray more purposefully and humbly for God's will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Find solutions and methods for the most effectual prayer. Each prayer suggestion gives you room to list your own prayer concerns. There is a section to list answered prayers. At the end of this journal you will have a closer walk with God and a more peaceful, joyful life.
The Pathway
"The Pathway," is a collection of honest poetry, penned with an openness of heart and spirit. Its verses contain a multitude of thoughts and emotions that will touch your heart with memories and honest, perhaps long forgotten, feelings about life and love. As our life becomes full of years we begin to be more able to share the depths of our experience of life,,,, both joyful and painful. Poetry you can relate to in many ways and levels.
Windchimes And Butterflies
A lovely collection of haiku and senryu. Wisdom and serenity abounding in the form of simple verse. Readers who enjoy the simplicity and tranquility of haiku and senryu will deeply appreciate the beauty of these verses. Read them during a quiet time and feel your body relax and your spirit relates to the tranquil thoughts and images of these beautiful and ancient Oriental forms of poetry
Whispers In The Dark
Have you ever felt so lost you thought no one would ever find you, not even yourself? God knows exactly where you are and why you are there. Listen for His voice and the voices of those sent to show you his love and wisdom. Comfort can be found during the darkest night. In times of darkness listen for the voices of light.
Old Times Not Forgotten
Born in Virginia, raised just across the state line in North Carolina, La Belle Rouge cherishes her memories of growing up in mid-twentieth century Dixie. This is a volume of memoirs about family, friends, neighbors and even favorite pets. A memorial to a more relaxed pace, a more innocent time in the rural South, where honest hard work, abiding faith and caring for others were cherished values. Stories and poems, poignant, heart touching and humorous offer a glimpse of a not too distant but very different past and how it felt to be one child, girl, woman, American by birth, Southern by the grace of God.
Jesus Are You Listening?
Speaking to and about Jesus with respect, honesty and familiarity. A book of everyday prayers, musings and poetry from the heart.
Stairway To Peace
Passing though times of sorrow and pain are a part of the human condition. When experiencing such times we need a hope to hold on to, an anchor to steady us, a harbor to shield us from the storm. "Stairway to Peace," is a book of honest, heartfelt prayers to inspire a deeper reliance on the grace and faithfulness of God in Christ Jesus.
Night And Day
Our lives are like a tree, growing from the roots of our character, thoughts and dreams. A collection of the author's thoughts about life. A glimpse of the roots that grew the tree.
Beyond The Blue Mountains
A collection of poetry penned from a Native American point of view. Poetry of Nature from the prospective of those who cherished the Earth and her creatures. Poetry of simple strong bonds, between man and woman, families and friends. Reflections of faith in and reverence for the Great Spirit and respect for the elders and ancestors who shaped their people and tribes. Laments for humiliation at the hands of another race and emerging nation and the loss of all held dear. These poems will connect you to another time and place and the ancient guardians of America. There is no place on Earth more beautiful than "The Blue Mountains" and no people more physically and spiritually beautiful than the Native Americans who called those mountains home.
Are you a seeker; someone who hungers for truth and a life worth living? Do you want to bless the Earth with the gifts The Creator has placed within you to bring you satisfaction and to touch the lives of others? If you are one of those people who understands that all lives have meaning and all situations we go through are lessons meant to shape us and help us to release our truth and our gifts into the World, you will appreciate the kinship and light you find in "Seeker."
I Think Occasionally
Thinking, even if only occasionally, is a serious function of life. This volume is a collection of blog and journal entries the author made over a period of many years. On the pages you will find, exposure of reality, painful honesty, wonderment, bewilderment, questions about life and death and the many varied expressions of fierce love "I Think...Occasionally" is a heart to heart experience you'll be glad you had.
Narcissistic Abuse:
How To Recognize And Escape It
What is a narcissist? How can you recognize one? Are you in a relationship with one? Are you being abused and are you ready to claim your freedom? What will it be like for you if you leave and what can you do to maintain your freedom and move your emotions and life toward normalcy? You will find answers and encouragement in this honest book, penned with compassion, from the heart of a woman who knows.
Red Foxes And Other Miracles
A collection of nature poetry from a grateful and observant heart. La Belle Rouge has a poet's heart that has always found itself at one with nature and appreciative of her mysterious beauty and order. Poetry you will treasure and feel the miracle of nature in. Verse you will want to read at your window, outdoors in the field or wood, on a mountaintop or beside the sea.
Thoughts About Life And Divinity
Do you ever wonder about things you can't fathom or explain? In this book you will find familiar questions you may have asked about your existence or the universe and its creator. When we ponder the deeper questions, often we form our own answers or more properly, we realize there are no concrete answers that we are capable of understanding. A book of questions about the universe and its Creator. There may be a few answers written between these covers but often such questions give birth to more questions. This book is written to inspire the searching ones to continue their quest for truth.
Eternity: Truth From My Soul
"Eternity" is a collection written from the soul of the author. It captures the very essence of living and dying within soul-felt words. Poetry and memoirs of thoughtful contemplation and emotional connection, including both eternal questions and answers. A book you will enjoy many times and will want to share with others.
Haiku And Senryu
A book of lovely Haiku and Senyru. Messages to relax and learn with. You will feel the Oriental influence with the American twist. Poetess Of The Heart, La Belle Rouge enjoys the serenity and wisdom writing Haiku and Senyru poetry brings to her spirit and is honored to share the poetry and the peace with her readers.
Eagle Heart, Native American Poetic Expressions
"Eagle Heart," is a reverent collection of poetry and thoughtful reflections about another time and a unique people. Penned from the heart of a woman who carries within it the blood and the spirit of three tribes, a tribute to the Native Americans who once were the guardians of this continent from sea to sea. A respectful expression of honest admiration.... for The Ancestors. A collection of poems penned to honor all Native Americans. From the soul of one who shares their blood and their pride of culture and ancient wisdom. To the first guardians of the land, may you be blessed in life and in eternity.
"Like A Butterfly,"
is a poetry collection exposing the beauty and ugliness of living. It will touch the very soul of the reader with the shared experiences of joy and pain. The author has lived long enough to have tasted most of what life has to offer. In these pages she has opened her soul to share those experiences and emotions with you. Some of us are afraid to feel because it hurts. Allow this poetry to begin an honest unlocking of your emotions, for true healing begins in the honest acknowledgement that we need to be healed. A book you will want to read again and share with others.
Advice To Writers
If you are a writer, you need this book. A collection of advice from great writers to inspire your writing endeavors. From centuries past to modern times, voices of great writers come alive in this book. Be encouraged, be inspired to write and write well.
Lessons On Charley's Pond
Many of us are blessed with good parents who teach us the valuable lessons of life. Some of us have to learn those lessons without benefit of a teacher, other than experience. La Belle Rouge was blessed with a father who not only understood love and life but peace and faith.
When The Wolf Spoke And The River Sang
You will find on these pages the emotive imaginings of a simple life among a beautiful people. Native American poetry that showcases the spiritual depth and the natural wisdom of the author's ancestors, the Cherokee and the Powhatan people. Those who were once the guardians of the land and her creatures, who respected all of creation and reverenced the Creator.
Nobody Prays Here
A collection of poetry, thoughts and prayers. Honest expressions of thoughts and heartfelt conversations with The Creator that you will be able to spiritually and emotionally relate to.
Poetic Impressions of Impressionist Masterpieces. A Book Of Beauty And Thoughtfulness.
A poetry collection penned to encourage those who are living in or escaping a life of narcissistic abuse
Our Virginia
By The Poets Of Virginia
Virginia is for lovers and all the poets showcased in this anthology are Virginia lovers. From the soothing waves of her ancient shores to the rolling hills of her Piedmont and majesty of her Appalachian Mountains, Virginia is a state of beauty, history and mystic persuasion. The poems in this volume are by poets who know Virginia intimately and have penned their affection for her and experiences with her. A book you will treasure if you are a Virginian by birth or by choice or perhaps a fervent admirer of The Old Dominion.
And So It Goes
A volume of thoughts shaped into words. Thoughts to hold on to when the night is dark and the path is obscured. These are the thoughts hopelessness that have haunted the author and thoughts of love and faith that have upheld her through a lifetime of pain and confusion. Thoughts that will inspire your own imagination for good and better things or help you to express in words your own pain and wonderings. All humanity is connected by the thread of emotion. When you read this book, that universal thread will be real to you.
Anointing The Perfect With The Precious
"Anointing The Perfect With The Precious," is a book about life, its joys and sorrows. An open and honest poetry book reflecting one woman's faith in God and His Son amid the joys and trials of life. Familiar questions both earthy and spiritual, along with intensely personal answers revealed in poetry.
Elegant Haiku And Senryu
You will enjoy this collection of poetry. Beautiful Haiku reflects the beauty and symmetry of nature and Senryu reflects the range and depth of human emotion. A book to enjoy yourself and to gift to a friend.
Long Winding Road
A collection of honest poetry, penned over the course of several decades. Poetry that will help those who are experiencing their own sorrows and struggles. You will feel inspired that dreams do come true and prayers are answered. You will experience a true response to the golden cord of emotion which connects hearts and unites all people.
Choose Love
Poet, author, La Belle Rouge offers a volume of quotes about love. Original quotes from the author and well known personalities. You will be challenged and inspired to choose love in its varied forms.
Atlanta Belle
75 Pages Of Nonsense For Adults. Silly and bawdy limericks sure to tickle the funny bone. If you are easily offended you won't enjoy this book but if you don't mind a little bawdy verse, it'll make you laugh, and sometimes we just need to laugh at the outrageous and off-color. Obviously humor for adults only. Not a book you'd read to children. Take some relaxation time to de-stress, laugh and enjoy these funny limericks.
Reflections Of Life
We all have them, reflections of life. They are created by our experiences, our basic character, our aspirations and dreams. Reflections of life are sacred. They reveal the core of w;ho we are, what we have lived and the dreams we reached for. In this book you will find the poet's open spirit that reveals the truth about who she is and some of the many things that have shaped her reflections.