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  • LaBelleRouge

20 Ways To Handle A Toxic Person (Or Persons)

20 Ways To Handle A Toxic Person (Or Persons)

BIG NUMBER 1; Know you are worthy of love and respect

Set boundaries and don't let anyone cross them

Be aware of when you've finally had enough disrespect

Know you're brave enough and smart enough to survive without them

Confront them, tell them you won't tolerate anymore, if safe to do so

Have a plan in place and some funds to fall back on

If you don't have funds or a solid plan, be aware of where to find help

SHUT THE DOOR, go no contact, block them from phone and media

Don't listen to any more of their toxicity

If you need an attorney and have no funds, contact Legal Aid

Be sure that you can have freedom and a life worth living

Guard your peace, keep the door closed to them

Be ready to lose everything but to find peace

If you need to move away, just do it, peace is worth it

The world is a big place, you will find friends who love you

There will be people who appreciate, not depreciate, you

Don't be afraid of being alone, solitude is healing

If you need counseling, find a free source or one you can afford

Love yourself enough to do whatever it takes to be free

Remember, blood doesn't make a family, love makes a family

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