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A Supposition

Updated: May 15, 2023

A Supposition


I suppose it's a choice everyday, we can build or we can destroy. A smile, a simple honest compliment, a sincere, understanding remark can build another's self worth and confidence and make them feel like the world is not such a bad place after all. A negative expression or comment can add salt to the wounds of someone who might just be on the edge of giving up and be the means of their destruction. I have a hard time understanding people who say they are friends, who say they care about you and they funnel more negativity into your life and thoughts than they do the positive. I think many hide behind a facade of friendship just to get a closer pot shot at your heart. Real friends will prove themselves over time, they will support you when you are weak. Cry and laugh with you and love you even when you make a big mess out of your life. They are rare and precious and should be valued and appreciated and treated just like you would want to be.

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