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  • LaBelleRouge

Bad Boys

Balance Needed

I was asked by a male friend recently why women will take the help, the tender affection and attention of a gentle and kind man but in the end they will chose to be with a bad boy type instead. Obviously he had been hurt by such behavior from women he cared for. I thought about it, musing as to why it does sometimes happen that way. I believe that in this respect women are not so different from men. More than one man has told me that men want an angel everywhere but the bedroom and there they want a whore. I believe the whole bad boy syndrome is for the same reason. It's sexual. Though many women may not even understand it or admit it to themselves, it is definitely sexual! Women want that little edge of wildness and danger in the bedroom so they tolerate the bad elsewhere to get the wicked there. Now in my opinion a woman should never settle for a rogue when she can have a gentleman rogue. A perfect combination of chivalry and danger. A man of good manners and genteel conversation who also knows how to sexually interest and excite a woman, giving her the perfect combination of romance and raw sensuality. There may be only a few left but there are still some gentlemen rogues to be found! Good men, bad boys.

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