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  • LaBelleRouge

Being In Love

Being In Love

What It Takes

Love might exist in a rut, the old, worn-out, hum drum kind of love between two people who have been together too long and never bothered to re-invent themselves or their relationship. But "Being In Love" now that takes joy and laughter and unpredictable spontaneity. It will never settle for the "Same old, same old" but will find new ways to express itself and make life an adventure.

There are some singers and movie stars that have incredibly long careers and they are as much on top at the end as at the beginning. They accomplish this by constantly changing and re-inventing themselves. Being in love is the same way, it takes nothing for granted. It enjoys new places, new faces, new foods, new pastimes. It will make love at unusual times and locations, positions and ways. It's not afraid of trying the unknown.

Being in love is full of surprises and little pleasures and new ways to say and demonstrate "I love you."

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