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Better Or Worse?


Just The Facts

When you think you are better than others, it's a sure sign you are worse. When you think you can lie and destroy another life, it's a certainty you will destroy yourself. If you believe you can consistently, verbally and emotionally wound others and with a simple apology retain their good will forever, it's obvious you are a fool. If you think God is blind and Karma is a myth, you will someday get an education about cause and effect. If you sow to the wind you will reap the whirlwind. Just the facts. Life is hard and it's not for cowards, if you are one of those people who make it harder for others I simply feel sorry for you because you mistakenly think you will get away with it. If you call yourself a "Christian" and spout scripture while you drop F bombs consistently and talk about how you pray for those you are destroying, you are a mental case, or your heart is so dark and evil you don't know right from wrong. Just the facts.

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