Do you fear it?
I was pondering this question today, Why do people fear death? There are many possible reasons. Death is the end of everything we have ever consciously known. It is the great unknown. Humans always seem to fear and draw back from the unknown. Those of us who have had near death experiences know that there is something beyond this life, life beyond death. Those with faith know it too.
Death is the decay of our physical bodies and our physical bodies are what we have experienced everything in. We have a very dim and conflicted idea of what life without a physical body would be like.
Some think when we die, that it's the end of everything, we are annihilated, ended, kput, over, done. Some believe in a resurrection of the physical body, but even with that belief the body will be changed, not the same as it is before death. Many believe in reincarnation, that the spirit returns many times in many forms. Some, who have listened to many hell and brimstone sermons believe that after death you either go to heaven for eternal bliss or hell for eternal torment, if you believe this you better make sure you have done what it takes to escape the latter.
If death is a part, a natural part of life why fear it? It will come to us if we fear it or not so why waste precious time in trepidation about death? Death is one of those things that no amount of worry will change.
Some people die suddenly or quietly with little pain. Some suffer unbearably, most of these people have lost their fear of death and welcome it as a release. Personally I don't see death as an enemy but as the natural ending of this life and the beginning of another for the spirit which is the true essence of who and what we are. To me that is an exciting concept and not something to fear