Get Over It
Please Reasonable people know how to reason, how to weigh issues, how to act, not simply react, to each other and how to do it with respect. Politics is such a total turnoff right now, the screamers don’t have the answers and congress won’t make a move to end the debates and actually do something to alleviate the suffering in our country. It seems to me that each side is afraid the other will get a bit of credit for having a plan to bring some positive changes so the arguments just go on and on. In the meantime some have lost their best friend because they can’t agree. Some have lost their homes, their jobs, their savings, their health, their hope to ever have anything better and all they have left now are their honest convictions and voice and even those can’t be heard above the screaming and name calling. We are all facing off like little kids on a playground scrapping for a fight while the playground around us is burning to ashes. If we can’t find a way to solve problems, work them out together, things are just going to go from bad to worse.
We don’t have to agree on everything but we better damn sure start working on agreeing on how to solve some of the problems that are destroying us all. It doesn’t matter who hates who on the political and media scene, if we want to survive we better get past the hate and into the answers.