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  • LaBelleRouge

Own It

Updated: May 15, 2023

If you did it, own it.

There is always more to circumstances than meets the eye of someone removed from them. There are always hidden things. There are always two sides to every story. The only way to escape guilt is to own it. Whatever you have done to create unpleasant circumstances, admit it to yourself and do whatever it takes to change it. If it's something you created but can't change then own it and deal with it the best way you can.

Feeling guilty changes nothing. Nothing is ever hopeless, there will be a way to deal with it if you search long enough for an answer and if you depend on the inner strength the Creator has given you.

Some things can be changed, some can't and either way you have to own your part in it and handle it the best you can.

I've lived a long life and I have found that you can only do the best you know how to do at the time you are doing it. Sometimes a path looks right to us only to realize later that it was the worst one we could have taken. What to do? We are on that path, we have to either turn around, take a new turn or endure to the end of the one we chose to walk.

Just owning the mistake makes the outcome more bearable. We make mistakes, some can never be rectified outwardly but all can be rectified inwardly.

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