Sold To The Devil
If you believe in good, you must believe in evil. Call it negative energy or evil forces or just the old fashion devil. There is both good and evil in the Earth. It's always been here and will be here until there is a new Earth.
Have you ever wondered about someone's meteoric rise to fame and fortune? It could be in any number of fields, literary, entertainment or politics. Maybe they have talent and are worthy of their rise but there are many who are tasteless and untalented. Are people really so stupid they can't recognize those who are gifted and those who aren't? There are musical artists whose songs all sound the same and their voices are unremarkable. There are those who have made a fortune by espousing disgusting rhymes and twerking their almost bare behinds. What is it that drives so many fans to their concerts and funds to their coffers or to the polls to vote for corrupt leaders who are getting rich on the backs of the people?
Have you ever thought that some of these people have sold their souls in exchange for earthly fame, power and all that comes with it? I believe it's true . In the months to come it's going to be exposed in all it's ugliness and criminality because when you dance to the music you must pay the piper. No one gambles with the devil and wins.