The Power Of Memories In Shaping Our Creative Journey
What did you most enjoy as a child? Can you remember, is it still real to you? Your memories contain a wealth of creative material. By writing about your memories you have the power to revive others memories and emotions and that is what a good writer does, they connect with readers on a deep level. What is the most painful or sad memory you have? Can you bring those emotions to the surface and write about them? Without the powerful tool of emotion your writing will fall flat and dull. No one will want to read you if your writing is dull, why would they want to waste time on literature that holds no emotional value, unless you have written something technical they have need of. What are your first memories? How old were you and what did you feel at the time? What pets did you have, what were they like and did you have a strong bond with them? Do you have memories of love in all of its forms, or a perfect day in nature, these are powerful subject matters. Have you ever lost someone you loved, be it by separation or death? Can you write about the depths of despair you felt? Take full advantage of those memories, make them work creatively for you. Add to others understanding and lives by sharing yours.