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  • LaBelleRouge

What To Do About Aholes

Updated: May 15, 2023

The best way to handle difficult people

Some things I just have no power over. I can't do anything to change people who act like Aholes. I can't talk to them, reason with them, because they only see things through their own distorted eyes and think they are better than and know more than anyone else. I can't appeal to their decency and self control because they have none. I can't expect them to do the right thing or treat others fairly. I can't do anything violent to them, even if I wanted to, it's against the law. I truly think the best way to handle people like this, who are trouble makers and constantly trying to get revenge on those they hate, is to pretend they are dead. Dead people can't hurt you. You can't hear anything from them or see them doing spiteful things. You don't ever have to give them a thought if you choose not to because they are in the PAST and can only be present in your present if you allow them to. So RIP Aholes. Someday you will get the message that you are being ignored.

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