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  • LaBelleRouge

When They Leave

Updated: May 15, 2023

But Do They Ever Really?

I was thinking today about loss. When someone dear to you is possibly dying how do you let go? I don't think it's really possible to let go, nor conducive to balance and positivity. I can't let go, I refuse to. Oh I can let go of the physical presence. Hearing their voice, seeing their face, sharing their new thoughts everyday, but I can't let go of their true essence. They will be with me to the end of this life and I hope into the next. I will remember them, read again their words, rely from time to time on the wisdom they taught me, feel again in my heart that warmth of having loved them and being loved by them. The body is the only thing that leaves. The essence, the energy of who a person is, never dies and never deserts the place where love dwells. No I won't let go and when it's my time to leave please know there will be no letting go on my part even then.

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